How to Mop a Floor with Pine-Sol®

Before learning how to mop a floor, it’s important to know that different flooring materials may require slightly different steps. Here are a few links showing how to mop properly if you’ve got Laminate, Hardwood or Tile floors.

While we recommend Pine-Sol® Original Multi-Surface Cleaner to clean germy kitchen and bathroom floors, feel free to dip your spin mop into any Pine-Sol® scent for your daily cleaning routine.

TIP: Be sure to check whether you’re using our new concentrated Pine-Sol® formula or the old non-concentrated Pine-Sol®, as that will determine your dilution ratio. See the chart below and get your ratios right!



Dirty floors? We got you. You already know Pine-Sol® is the ultimate floor cleaner, so keep reading for a step-by-step guide on how to use a mop to clean floors in your home. 

  1. Step 1 Mix ⅛ cup of Pine-Sol® Multi-Surface Cleaner with one gallon of warm water.
  2. Step 2 Dip your mop in the solution. Wring out your mop so that it’s damp but not completely saturated. Start mopping, taking care not to let liquid pool on the floor.
  3. Step 3 After mopping, rinse your mop in fresh, clean water and wring it out so it’s just damp.
  4. Step 4 Mop over your floors again to rinse away any remaining cleaner to prevent buildup of film or residue.

With an improved concentrated formula that is 2x as strong* to last 2x as long*, you can use less for the same great clean.

concentrated formula Non-concentrated formula
¼ cup in 2 gallons water ½ cup in 2 gallons water
⅛ cup in 1 gallon water ¼ cup in 1 gallon water
¹⁄₁₆ cup or 1 tablespoon in ½ gallon water ⅛ cup in ½ gallon water
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  1. * When used as directed
  2. † Do not use on wood that is unfinished, unsealed, unpainted, waxed, oiled or worn.
  • 2X concentrated
    Tackle more messes per bottle.*
  • 5x cleaning
    Odor, grease, grime, dirt & allergens.**
  • removes 99% of allergens
    Destroy dust mites & pet dander.
see our full line-up
  • * vs. unconcentrated Pine-Sol™ Multi-Surface Cleaner.
  • ** Non-living dust mite matter and pet dander.