How to Kill Norovirus with Pine-Sol Original Pine

Find out how Original Pine-Sol Multi-Surface Cleaner2® kills Norovirus on surfaces in your bathroom and other hard, nonporous surfaces in your home.



Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces (such as kitchen countertops or bathroom sinks) by doing the following1:

  1. Step 1 Use full strength or mix 1 cup per ½ gallon of water and apply on hard, nonporous surfaces with a clean sponge or cloth.
  2. Step 2 Allow surface to remain visibly wet for 10 minutes.
  3. Step 3 Rinse with fresh, clean water. For visibly soiled surfaces, pre-cleaning is required.

How to Help Prevent the Spread of Norovirus

Norovirus causes inflammation of the stomach, intestines or both. Common symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and stomach pain. A person usually develops symptoms 12 to 48 hours after being exposed to norovirus. Most people with norovirus illness get better within 1 to 3 days2.

Unfortunately, the spread of norovirus can happen quickly. It’s highly contagious and can infect anyone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is no vaccine for norovirus, so taking measures to help prevent the spread of the virus is important3.

Prevention can start with simple cleaning measures at home. The CDC recommends disinfecting hard, nonporous surfaces with a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered disinfectant that is approved to kill norovirus, such as Original Pine-Sol Multi-Surface Cleaner2®.


  •     Wash your hands often with soap and water4:
    •  After using the toilet or changing diapers
    •  Before eating, preparing or handling food
  •    Clean food thoroughly — especially fruits and vegetables — before eating them³
    • Do not prepare food for yourself or others if you are sick
  •     Wash clothes thoroughly4. Immediately remove and wash clothes or linens that may be contaminated with vomit or stool (feces).

With an improved concentrated formula that is 2X as strong* to last 2X as long*, you can use less for the same great clean.

*vs. unconcentrated Pine-Sol Multi-Surface Cleaner.

concentrated formula Unconcentrated formula
¼ cup in 2 gallons water ½ cup in 2 gallons water
⅛ cup in 1 gallon water ¼ cup in 1 gallon water
¹⁄₁₆ cup or 1 tablespoon in ½ gallon water ⅛ cup in ½ gallon water
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  1. * When used as directed
  2. † Tested as Feline Calicivirus
  3. 1. Pine-Sol Master Label
  4. 2.
  5. 3.
  6. 4.
  • 2X concentrated
    Tackle more messes per bottle.*
  • 5x cleaning
    Odor, grease, grime, dirt & allergens.**
  • removes 99% of allergens
    Non-living dust mite matter and pet dander.
see our full line-up
  • *vs. unconcentrated Pine-Sol Multi-Surface Cleaner.
  • ** Non-living dust mite matter and pet dander.