How to Clean Oil & Rust Stained Concrete Floors

Oil and rust stains are some of the toughest to remove from your garage floor or driveway. We’ll show you how to clean concrete, how to remove rust stains from concrete and how to remove oil stains from concrete and cement floors.

Remember, keeping concrete and cement clean is easier when you stick to a regular cleaning regimen. Be sure to include concrete cleaning into your household maintenance routine.

Check out our Pine-Sol® family of products for more information on our lineup of cleaners. Your concrete will love you for it.

TIP: Be sure to check whether you’re using our new concentrated Pine-Sol® formula or the old non-concentrated Pine-Sol®, as that will determine your dilution ratio. See the chart below and get your ratios right!



Everyone cleans differently and routine concrete cleaning can ensure your concrete and cement floors remain stain free. Although water can clean concrete surfaces, we recommend using a quality cleaning product to help maintain cement and keep concrete surfaces clean.

  1. Step 1 Quickly sweep the concrete or cement clear of clutter and dirt.
  2. Step 2 Fill a bucket with warm water, diluting about ⅛ cup of your preferred Pine-Sol® multi-surface cleaner for each gallon.
  3. Step 3 Dip a hard brush or push broom in the mixture to give stubborn stains a thorough scrubbing. If you have colored concrete or light cement, test a small spot before proceeding.
  4. Step 4 Scrub down particularly tough oil and rust stains with a bit of undiluted Pine-Sol®
  5. Step 5 Hose down the clean concrete or cement with a bucket of clean water or a pressure washer and let dry.

How to Clean Concrete Patios & Driveways

Concrete patios and driveways should be cleaned once or twice a year.

Winter weather and debris can leave stains on your concrete and driveways. A good seasonal cleaning can bring your concrete back to life and looking good as new.

The best way to clean your concrete patio or driveway is to remove all plants, furniture – and cars of course – from the area. You may also want to remove any pesky weeds from any edges or cracks at this time.

Follow Steps 1 thru 5 (see above).

For how to clean concrete surfaces that are really stained, rusted, or mildewed, use a pressure washer.

Why Choose Pine-Sol to Help Clean Concrete?

When you get the urge to spruce up and clean around the house, don’t forget your outside concrete surfaces.

You can use Pine-Sol® Cleaners on most concrete floors. Pine-Sol® Cleaners are concentrated formulas that you dilute for most jobs.

For general concrete cleanup, use a 24 oz. bottle of Pine-Sol® for 12 gallons of cleaning power.

Make your Pine-Sol bottle last longer by adding water to the formula. Use your Pine-Sol cleaning solution to clean floors and other areas around your home, including hardwood floors.

Give your concrete floors a really good cleaning once or twice a year and help them shine.


Remember, removing stains from concrete and keeping concrete and cement clean gets easier with a regular cleaning routine and maintenance. Be sure to include concrete cleaning into your regular and annual cleaning routine to prevent tough concrete stains.

Check out our Pine-Sol® family of products for more information on our lineup of cleaners. Your concrete will love you for it.

With an improved concentrated formula that is 2x as strong* to last 2x as long*, you can use less for the same great clean.

concentrated formula Non-concentrated formula
¼ cup in 2 gallons water ½ cup in 2 gallons water
⅛ cup in 1 gallon water ¼ cup in 1 gallon water
¹⁄₁₆ cup or 1 tablespoon in ½ gallon water ⅛ cup in ½ gallon water
have a question about pine-sol®? view our faqs
  1. * When used as directed
  • 2X concentrated
    Tackle more messes per bottle.*
  • 5x cleaning
    Odor, grease, grime, dirt & allergens.**
  • removes 99% of allergens
    Destroy dust mites & pet dander.
see our full line-up
  • * vs. unconcentrated Pine-Sol™ Multi-Surface Cleaner.
  • ** Non-living dust mite matter and pet dander.