How to Clean a Playroom
Clean the playroom and get kids messes wiped up with Pine-Sol. Learn how to clean the playroom and disinfect toys with our multi-surface cleaner.
Step 1
Clean Plastic Furniture and Toys
Plastic is a staple in playroom furniture and toys, and tends to get grubby quickly. Start off by giving all the plastic in your playroom a good de-gunking. -
Step 2
Clean Wooden Furniture
Use Pine-Sol® for quick wipe-downs on wooden tables and chairs, or for periodic deep-cleans on wooden floors and furniture. -
Step 3
Clean the Walls
Got a Picasso on your hands who fancies him or herself a muralist? Or just a case of grimy handprints or smudges on the walls? Give those walls a Pine-Sol® wash-down. -
Step 4
Clean Fabric and Laundry
Give Original Pine-Sol® a go on the stains and spots that find their way into your kids' laundry hampers. You'll never fear grape juice again. -
Step 5
Clean the Carpet
Carpet collects its share of battle scars keeping little feet warm and cushioning rough play. Get at carpet or rug stains with Original Pine-Sol®.
With an improved concentrated formula that is 2x as strong* to last 2x as long*, you can use less for the same great clean.
concentrated formula | Non-concentrated formula |
¼ cup in 2 gallons water | ½ cup in 2 gallons water |
⅛ cup in 1 gallon water | ¼ cup in 1 gallon water |
¹⁄₁₆ cup or 1 tablespoon in ½ gallon water | ⅛ cup in ½ gallon water |
- * When used as directed
2X concentratedTackle more messes per bottle.*
formula* -
5x cleaningOdor, grease, grime, dirt & allergens.‡
action -
removes 99% of allergens§Destroy dust mites & pet dander.
- * vs. unconcentrated Pine-Sol® Pine/Scented Formula when used as directed
- ‡ When diluted as directed vs. unconcentrated Pine-Sol® Pine/Scented Formula
- § Non-living dust mite matter and pet dander